Peerless precision

Greenfields is arguably the boldest mineral explorer on the planet today and the most scientifically thorough. We demonstrate this through our large, fully referenced scientific reports that are freely available in the public domain.

Greenfields goes to this level of detail because it works in four dimensions (space and time). This 4D process allows us to identify where large-scale mineral systems are located. Only when we are satisfied that a system has the potential to host a giant deposit, do we select a area to licence. Where many of our peers use nearology, Greenfields is literally redrawing the geological maps.

While the extraordinary depth of Greenfields’ process may seem like the act of boffins; it is precisely this scientific rigour that enabled the company to identify an entire metallogenic province. Identifying and defining such a large-scale geological feature, covering more than 60,000km2, makes Greenfields part of an extremely small club.

Greenfields defined the Kiffaanngissuseq Metallogenic Province